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9:00 am
Tumble Tots
Tumble Tots is a physical activity programme for children 6 months to 7 years. Each class is designed specifically for the different development stages of young children. Tumble Tots classes run at the church on Wednesdays and Saturdays during school term time. 6 months to confidently walking, Walking to 2 years, 2-3 years, 3 years […]
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Coffee Morning
All welcome to join us for coffee/biscuits and a chat at our weekly coffee morning £2.50
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Huddersfield Arts Society
HAS has been in existence since 1890, originally as a society for the artistic elite of Huddersfield that new members had to go through a selection process to join. However, it has evolved through the years up to the present time and is now a very different set-up. For more information visit their website. https://www.huddersfieldartsociety.com
Find out more »7:00 pm
Valentine’s Sequence Dance
The Social Sequence Dance Group are holding a special Dance for Valentine's weekend. This is led by experienced dancers. It is a very popular group where everyone is welcome. Contact David Thomas on 07572 907 485 for more information.
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